The common people are content with their employment. 百姓乐业。
This situation is common in financial institutions, where decisions on granting a loan request are based on the requester's credit history, employment status, owned assets, etc. 这种情况在金融机构中极为常见,批准贷款申请的决策要以申请人的信贷历史、工作状况、自有资产等条件为依据。
Many villagers in southern Xinjiang still cannot speak the national common language, which has affected their employment chances. 在南疆地区,很多村民仍不会讲普通话,这影响了他们的就业机会。
The business community and the UN share common interests in promoting economic growth and stability, creating employment and stimulating investment. 商业界和联合国在促进经济增长和稳定、创造就业机会和刺激投资方面有着共同的利益。
This paper gives a brief analysis about the three major common law issues existing in the graduate employment: the probationary period, the tripartite agreement and the handling with labor disputes. 本文将针对毕业生就业常见的三大法律问题,即试用期的法律问题、三方协议的法律问题和劳动争议处理的法律问题做简要的解析。
And concede that, contrary to common misconception, the euro zone has outperformed America on employment over that period, even if its productivity growth has been slower. 且与公众误解相反,过去十年,虽然欧元区的生产力增幅不及美国,但是失业率要低于美国。
Analysis on Function and Influence Factors of Common Employment Policy of European Union 欧盟共同就业政策的作用与影响因素分析
There is a very common theory in economics – Employment creates employment. 经济学中有个很普通的一个原理,叫做以就业带动就业。
Reform and adjustment of traditional industrial area are common problems to all the countries in the world. The main goals of British area policy are to increase employment, to reduce the rate of unemployment and to decrease the unbalance of area employment opportunities. 传统工业区的改造和调整是世界各国面临的共同课题,英国区域政策的主要目标是促进萧条地区的就业增长,降低失业率,减少地区间就业机会的不平衡。
Employment is quite common in our society, and lots of disputes arise from employment contracts, but no law has been laid down. 雇工现象在现实生活中大量存在,因雇佣合同而产生的纠纷层出不穷,法律对此却无明文规定。
Business without legal license, the objective phenomenon in the early stage of socialism market economical development in China, and which is not only a great affair related to city's performance and economical development but also a significant job correlated to common people employment and social harmonium. 无照经营是中国社会主义市场经济发展初级阶段出现的客观现象,既是一个事关城市形象与经济发展问题,也是一个事关百姓就业与社会和谐问题。
Western and Chinese selection system of civil servants are common in persistence in principles of openness, equality, competition and employment according to merits. 中西方公务员(文官)选拔机制上相同点主要是都坚持公开、平等、竞争、择优的原则。
The Foundation of the Common Employment in European Union and Its Development 欧盟共同就业策略的基础及其发展
As the key factor in sustainable employment expansion is to speed up the pace of economic growth, the relationship between economic growth and employment expansion has absorbed public attention. The most common index to measure the relationship is the employment elasticity coefficient for economic growth. 加快经济增长是实现有效就业持续增加的关键,经济增长与就业增长的关系极为重要,衡量这种关系最常用的指标是经济增长的就业弹性系数。
After that, there came out many economic theories to increase employment. These employment theories or the economic theory have one common feature, that is, they all based on this kind of faith: The economy growth can bring the employment growth. 这些就业理论或经济理论都有一个共同的特点,就是他们都是基于这样一个信念:经济增长一定会带来就业的增长。
We must care people's sufferings and intensify the relationship between CPC and the common people according the spirit of "Three Representatives", and expand opportunities of employment and offer good working environment for the people. 我们必须从实践三个代表重要思想的高度,从关心群众疾苦、密切党与人民群众血肉联系的高度,提高认识,为人民群众创造良好的就业环境,扩大就业门路。
Employment has been a common concern to the community inspired by nature, a topic, especially for college employment. 就业问题一直是社会各界人士共同关注的一个灵感性话题,特别是大学生就业问题。
This kind of common discrimination act mainly displays in both sexes arrange employment and career development opportunities, labor safeguard and there exist different degree of difference. 这种常见的歧视行为主要表现在两性的就业、职业安排、劳动保障和发展机会等方面存在程度不同的差别。
The most economical and effective way to control the common leaf spot disease was the breeding and employment of disease resistant materials. 抗病新材料的选育和使用是防治苜蓿褐斑病最经济、有效的办法。
Firstly, I analyze the employment discrimination in the United States, putting the focus on the meaning, classification, characteristics, legislative situation. And then I in-detail analyze several common employment discrimination ( Part II for the full text). 首先对美国的就业歧视进行分析,重点论及美国就业歧视的含义、分类、特点、立法状况,接着详细分析了常见的几种就业歧视(全文第二部分)。
First in this section, it reviews the western documents on the experience of successful employment policies; then it analyzes the standard for identification and common characteristics of it based on the international comparative studies on the employment policies in Section 2. 本部分首先对相关的西方文献进行了回顾,其次根据第二部分关于劳动就业政策的国际比较研究,对成功劳动就业政策的判定标准和共同特征进行了分析。
Nominalization is a very common phenomenon in English, especially in written English. The great employment of nominalization makes discourse more formal and objective. 名词化是英语中非常普遍的现象,尤其是在英语书面语中,名词化的大量使用使得语篇更加正式和客观。
In our country, education aiming at the visually impaired is far behind that for common people, which has a lot of problems such as their difficulties on study and employment. 在我国,针对视力障碍者的教育远远落后于对普通人群的教育,并且存在着诸多的问题,例如,视力障碍者学习上的困难、就业上的困难等等。
With the development of Tianjin economic situation, social openness and wide range of people connecting with outside, people becomes more and more common to learn, employment, training and travel out of the country. 随着我市经济形势的发展、社会开放程度的提高和对外联系的日趋广泛,市民出国境学习、就业、培训和旅游越来越普遍,出国境人数也屡创新高。
Deepening the market economy, sending more and more common employment has increasingly become the first employment forms in addition to formal employment, and dispatched workers the number is rapidly increased, the resulting problems are particularly interesting. 市场经济不断深化,派遣用工越来越普遍,日益成为除正式用工外第一大用工形式,同时派遣工数量正在急剧的增多,由此产生的种种问题也格外引人关注。
Firstly, this paper analyzes the common theories and the effect of FDI to economy as well as employment. 首先从FDI一般理论到FDI所影响的国内投资活动及其所带动的经济增长活动及就业影响三个方面进行了分析。
And then, the essay simulates the common process of college students 'employment, through which generalizes the common mode of college students' employment information, and makes them correspond to each other. 其次,论文模拟了大学生就业的一般过程,通过就业的一般过程概括出就业信息传播的一般模式,使其相互应对,具有现实的指导意义。
The common rule in economic transformation countries is that urban informal employment increases at first, then decreases, finally stabilize with economic development. 7. 经济转型国家非正规就业发展的一般规律:城市非正规就业呈现出随着城市经济发展水平的提高先增加、后降低、最后趋于稳定的发展过程。
Only by active and pertinent guidance and common effort from all circles of the society, can the university graduates 'employment problems get benign development and properly solved. 只有积极、有针对性地进行引导,社会各界共同努力,大学毕业生的就业问题才能朝良性方向发展并得到妥善解决。